Car Keypoints#

by Lorenzo Bertoni and Duncan Zauss, 13/04/2021

This section describes the OpenPifPaf plugin for vehicles. The plugin uses the ApolloCar3D Dataset. For more information, we suggest to check our latest paper:

OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association
Sven Kreiss, Lorenzo Bertoni, Alexandre Alahi, 2021.


Prediction runs as standard openpifpaf predict command, but using the pretrained model on vehicles. The flag --checkpoint=shufflenetv2k16-apollo-24 will cause that our 24 keypoint version of the Shufflenet 16 (AP 76.1%) will be automatically downloaded. As an example, we have tried on an image of the streets of Saint Peterbourg:

python -m openpifpaf.predict images/peterbourg.jpg \
  --checkpoint=shufflenetv2k16-apollo-24 -o images \
  --instance-threshold 0.05 --seed-threshold 0.05 \
  --line-width 4 --font-size 0
INFO:__main__:neural network device: cpu (CUDA available: False, count: 0)
WARNING:openpifpaf.decoder.cifcaf:consistency: decreasing keypoint threshold to seed threshold of 0.050000
INFO:openpifpaf.decoder.factory:No specific decoder requested. Using the first one from:
Use any of the above arguments to select one or multiple decoders and to suppress this message.
INFO:openpifpaf.predictor:neural network device: cpu (CUDA available: False, count: 0)
INFO:openpifpaf.decoder.cifcaf:annotations 8: [13, 12, 10, 8, 7, 8, 6, 3]
INFO:openpifpaf.predictor:batch 0: images/peterbourg.jpg
src/openpifpaf/csrc/src/cif_hr.cpp:102: UserInfo: resizing cifhr buffer
src/openpifpaf/csrc/src/occupancy.cpp:53: UserInfo: resizing occupancy buffer
import IPython

Image credit: Photo by Ninaras which is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

The car poses with 66 and 24 keypoints can be visualized with:

from openpifpaf.plugins.apollocar3d import constants

with, nomargin=True) as ax:
    video_66 = constants.plot3d_red(ax, constants.CAR_POSE_66, constants.CAR_SKELETON_66).to_html5_video()
with, nomargin=True) as ax:
    video_24 = constants.plot3d_red(ax, constants.CAR_POSE_24, constants.CAR_SKELETON_24).to_html5_video()

Preprocess Dataset#

The preprocessing step converts the annotations into the standard COCO format. It creates a version with all 66 keypoints and also creates a sparsified version with 24 keypoints (shown above). To get started, download the challenge train file which contains the train and validation split:

mkdir data-apollocar3d
cd data-apollocar3d
# wget
tar -xvf 3d-car-understanding-train.tar.gz
rm 3d-car-understanding-train.tar.gz
cd ..

Then convert to COCO format:

pip install opencv-python
python3 -m openpifpaf.plugins.apollocar3d.apollo_to_coco --split_images

This script will create annotations with 24 keypoints and 66 keypoints simultaneously. The argument --split_images copies the original images in the new folders according to the train val split, slowing down the process. No need to use it multiple times.


The default is training with 66 keypoints:

python3 -m openpifpaf.train --dataset apollo \
--basenet=shufflenetv2k16 --apollo-square-edge=769 \
--lr=0.00002 --momentum=0.95  --b-scale=5.0 \
--epochs=300 --lr-decay 160 260 --lr-decay-epochs=10  --weight-decay=1e-5 \
--weight-decay=1e-5  --val-interval 10 --loader-workers 16 --apollo-upsample 2 \
--apollo-bmin 2 --batch-size 8
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 \
  -m openpifpaf.train --ddp \
  --lr=0.0003 --momentum=0.95 --b-scale=10.0 --clip-grad-value=10.0 \
  --epochs=450 --lr-decay 430 440 --lr-decay-epochs=10 \
  --batch-size=8 --loader-workers=16 \
  --weight-decay=1e-5 \
  --dataset=apollo --apollo-upsample=2 --apollo-bmin=2 --apollo-square-edge=769 \
  --checkpoint=shufflenetv2k16 --lr-warm-up-start-epoch=250

For smaller memory GPUs use --square-edge=513. To train with 24kps, you need to use the --apollo-use-24-kps flag.


To evaluate the pretrained model, use:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -m openpifpaf.eval \
--dataset=apollo --loader-workers=8 \
--checkpoint shufflenetv2k16-apollo-66 \
--force-complete-pose --seed-threshold=0.2 \

To evaluate your own model, provide a path to your checkpoint with the --checkpoint argument. To evaluate an Apollo checkpoint with 24 keypoints, provide the --apollo-use-24-kps flag.

Everything else#

All PifPaf options and commands still stand, check them in the other sections of the guide. If you are interested in training your own dataset, read the section on a custom dataset.